The anatomy of a planet Research ETH Zurich Researchers at ETH Zurich working together with an international team have been able to use seismic data to look inside Mars for the first time. They measured the crust, mantle and core and narrowed down their composition. The three resulting articles are being published together as a cover story in the journal Science. Four cryptographic vulnerabilities in Telegram Research ETH Zurich An international research team of cryptographers completed a detailed security analysis of the popular Telegram messaging platform identifying several weaknesses in its protocol that demonstrate the product falls short of some essential data security guarantees. In the health lab of the future Research ETH Zurich Rea Lehner has been running the “Future Health Technologies” research programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre since 2020. Together with her team, the ETH researcher is working on the principles of how healthcare can be changed through digital technologies. Citizen scientists to the rescue Research EPFL EPFL Summer series: How science works. From data collection to environmental and public-health advocacy, amateur scientists make a valuable contribution to scientific research. A next step towards climate-friendly fuels Research Empa Synhelion and Empa are conducting a joint research project, co-funded by the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse, to further develop a high-temperature energy storage solution that is a key component in the production of climate-friendly solar fuels. The project will enable the cost-effective and scalable storage of high-temperature solar heat at over 1'000°C for the first time. The storage technology is expected to be used in Synhelion’s first industrial-scale solar fuel production facility, which will be built in 2022. New research division at PSI points to the future of data Research PSI EPFL The Paul Scherrer Institute, in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne EPFL, is establishing a new research division: Scientific Computing, Theory, and Data. Previous 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43... Next Page 39 of 45